Monday, March 23, 2009

Week 20

Week 20
Lugubrious music soothed the diners at the hotel buffet as they savoured their mouth watering food accompanied by the rich, inky, redolent wine. The tranquil environment was distured by a ear-piercing cry. “Arghhh! Helpp!” Lily yelped in terror, dropping her spoon onto the carpeted floor. Pointing a tremulous finger at the bowl, she stammered, “ Please takk…ke that… horriddd..ble bowl… out of my sight…immee…dia…tely!” Startled, the manager previously in repose, sprang out of his chair, and approached her without hesitation. “ Madam, is there anything wrong with this dish?” “Wrong? Look what’s in my bowl of porridge!” she gesticulated angrily. Irritably, he stared into the bowl , to be greeted by the unnerving sight of a cockroach swimming feebly about. With his tongue in his cheek, he apologised to her, annoyed at troubling him with such a pesky problem. Excusing himself he hurried towards the kitchen, instructing the unfortunate waiter to attend to the distraught lady by serving her a complimentary meal and apologizing to her again. With a snigger on his face, the irresponsible manager left the hapless waiter holding the bag

(183 words)

Week 19

When king Andre was afflicted with megalomania, A legion of people suffered under his rein. My villagers loathed the mendacious king and wanted to murder him. King Andre tried to play possum by ignoring the villagers furious protests Under his profligate rule, the empire slowly fell to rubbles. (DRAFT)

Week 18

"GOAL!!!!" Fans of Manchester United roared spontaneously. With quick innate reflexes and speed Ronaldo dribbled the ball pass six players who made abortive attempts to stop his rampaging fury. With a precise header, the ball flew in with deadly accuracy and flew pass the hapless goal keeper into the goal post. Ronaldo punched his fists in the air with triumph and knelt onto the ground slamming his fists incessantly into the ground. Jacob , an avid soccer buff, cheered with the other fans, not because of the team that romped over their rivals but for the money he had just won from a bet........

Week 17

Rei Ew groaned. What A day! Mr Kek had just realized that his stomachache was merely a subterfuge to keeping him from taking the french test by going to the sick bay. His almost flawless plan that he had concocted, would be unblemished had he not been careless. Mr kek became conscious that the illness was a hoax when Rei Er burst out laughing at the sick bay. Realising Mr kek was no gullible dupe. Rei er gloomily served Mr kek's detention as what that was done could no longer be undone.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Week 16

In the dark, absolute darkness of the night, the silence seemed deafening. A interloper appeared virtually out of nowhere in midst of of the sheer darkness. He stealthly crept foward. The coast was clear. Taking a cursory glace around, His eyes registered to the stark white house. Suddenly, cannine teeth flashed before his sight and he could discern shadowly movements circling him menacingly. He panicked. Has he been discovered? He let out a ear-slipping scream as something sharp sank into his fleshy thighs. The indigenous intruder crashed into the ground, with breaths getting weaker every second. His heart beat its final time, slipping into deep abyss..... Unknown to him this place was guarded 24 hours by vicious, unmerciful mastiffs.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Week 15 english journal

"WWWWhatttt......." Glen Ek blurted out disbelievingly. Everything was like a dream; the police handcuffing his hands; the wailing of the seemingly accusing siren. Shouting with asperity he cursed his accomplice " Anisa, you traitor i will never forgive you!" , his rugged voice echoing throughout the warehouse which hosted the exposed clandestine meeting several hours ago.....
The gang leader, Glen had been liquidated. Anisa, the saboteur was now appointed as the new leader.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Week 14 english journal

In a moment of havoc and the stentorian voice resounding though my ears, I scurried across the well furnished room as the irate man repulsed me back to my hiding place.
There! I lifted my nose high in the air. The smell of fragrant cheese wafted though my twitching nose. Licking my lips, I approached the mammoth-sized appetizer. Gingerly i savoured the extraordinary creamy-rich cheese. My stomach lurched. Something was no right. Suddenly, I collapsed onto the ground. My tiny breaths sounded like milkshake fighting its way up a very thin straw. It dawned upon me. The cheese was poisoned. A kaleidoscope of colours enveloped my vision followed by black mist engulfing it as i slipped into an eternal sleep. (The perspective of a mouse)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Week 13 english journal

Jason stared in aghast. It was incredulous that the robber managed to take down 4 of his body guards without even a superficial scratch or a sign of fatigue. With surreptitious movements, he pointed his saber to Jason's adam apple at knife-point. Jason's children cowered at corner, whimpering in absolute fear at the sight the menacing, burly man, desperately searching for help. There was no way that Jason could escape without jeopardizing the lives of his loved ones. The only viable solution was to hand over his wallet including his cherished heirloom pendant. Dipping his hands into his pocket, he felt the pendant for the last time.....


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