Sunday, July 19, 2009

Oral 7

Picture discussion
This picture depicts a scene of a hawker centre. In the picture, hawkers are seen disinfecting and cleaning the hawker centre. Perhaps, an annual cleaning of the hawker centre is taking place, since the hawker centre is closed as there are no customers. The cleaning of the hawker center is rather an organised event as different people are doing different jobs. Apparently the lady on the right is a rather likely one, all she had do is to spray soapy water everywhere while the rest had to apply more elbow grease by wiping the floor. On a normal day, the hawker centre would be bustling with hungry customers ready to devour down their meals. The woman on the right wearing boots who is spraying the tables and chair must be thinking. " This is a waste of time, there goes my business for today!" OR "Such a day! I hope this will end as soon as possible"
Which is better????

I live in a condominium. To be honest, i am quite disorganised person. I never spare some time to organised my notes and stuff in my room till my mother starts to scream at me! However, I do make an effort to clean up my house such as mopping and sweeping the floor occasionally.
Among many principles, hygiene is undeniably one of the most important. Maintaining good hygiene is essential in daily life such as washing hands before a meal, brushing teeth or covering your mouth if you sneeze. Bad hygiene may cause undesirable consequenses such as diseases, especially the recent outbreak of H1N1.
It might be difficult to have a good hygiene for people who are lazy or are forgetful. Though maintaining good hygiene is important, Being too hygiene will spark out numerous problems. One may gradually develop a phobia to germs and bacteria to the extent that they even refuse to shake hands with others or even avoid going outdoors

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