Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Reflections of 2009

Time flies. Only after 365 days, another year is gone. But.... Year 2009 is indeed a meaningful and enjoyable year. I have

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Oral 9

Picture discussion
This picture depicts a scene of a lab with 4 students involved in a science experiment. I believe that they are polytechnic students as beneath their laboratory clothes, they are wearing casual wear. They are probably in a biology-science lab as they seem to be doing experiments on bacteria culture. The female student is holding a glass peri dish cover. It contains agar where the bacteria sample will be placed. In my opinion, they will leave the bacteria to grow for a several period of time before observing the results. She is probably marring grooves or inserting bacteria. There is a container of distilled water in front of her, very likely used to wash the peri dish. The students will probably be recording down their observations on the blank sheets of paper on the table. They must be feeling really energetic in this experiment as i can observe their beaming faces.
(Thanks to the Life Science in Sec 2 i can do this Ha Ha ^_^)

I like English and Mathematics.
To me, English is a medium of communication that is important in many aspects of life. It also equips me with the basic skills like literature and reading stories. The other favourite subject will be mathematics. It also is an indispensable skill commonly used in daily life which empowers on with the ability to calculate efficiently.
After i graduate I think the most typically used subject will be english, both written and spoken In fact English is an internationally used language. So studying english would be my priority.
Science is one of the most fundamental knowledge that everyone should be equipped with. It enables one to understand how the world changes in the past, present or future. For example, the human body is a complex biological system that is also under the disciplines of science.
Although now girls have an equal opportunity to be a scientist, there are still more males than females who are in this career is predominated. Females are equally matched in terms for their talents and skills. In fact, they may process characteristic that make them better scientist. For instance, their patience. However, males make up the majority as they are more career driven.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Oral 7

Picture discussion
This picture depicts a scene of a hawker centre. In the picture, hawkers are seen disinfecting and cleaning the hawker centre. Perhaps, an annual cleaning of the hawker centre is taking place, since the hawker centre is closed as there are no customers. The cleaning of the hawker center is rather an organised event as different people are doing different jobs. Apparently the lady on the right is a rather likely one, all she had do is to spray soapy water everywhere while the rest had to apply more elbow grease by wiping the floor. On a normal day, the hawker centre would be bustling with hungry customers ready to devour down their meals. The woman on the right wearing boots who is spraying the tables and chair must be thinking. " This is a waste of time, there goes my business for today!" OR "Such a day! I hope this will end as soon as possible"
Which is better????

I live in a condominium. To be honest, i am quite disorganised person. I never spare some time to organised my notes and stuff in my room till my mother starts to scream at me! However, I do make an effort to clean up my house such as mopping and sweeping the floor occasionally.
Among many principles, hygiene is undeniably one of the most important. Maintaining good hygiene is essential in daily life such as washing hands before a meal, brushing teeth or covering your mouth if you sneeze. Bad hygiene may cause undesirable consequenses such as diseases, especially the recent outbreak of H1N1.
It might be difficult to have a good hygiene for people who are lazy or are forgetful. Though maintaining good hygiene is important, Being too hygiene will spark out numerous problems. One may gradually develop a phobia to germs and bacteria to the extent that they even refuse to shake hands with others or even avoid going outdoors

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Oral 6

Picture 6
This is a picture depicts an experiment taking place in a classroom . 4 children and a woman are gathered around the table to conduct a pulley experiment. This is a co-education school as there are both boys and girls o this picture. Looking at the elegantly dressed teacher, she must have just returned from a science excursion and is brimming with vitality. She is demonstrating to the students how to utilise a pulley, to reduce force or change the direction of the force by pulling the rope. In my opinion it is important to bring science theory to life through physical experiment to grab the attention of the students. The keen boy to the right, has his right hand raised energetically as though he wants to try the pulley. Beside him, is a bespectacled student busy recording his observations. Opposite him is a studious looking girl staring intensely at the pulley , holding her pen hesitantly probably because she is unsure whether her hypothesis is right or wrong.It is an irony that although the teacher is smiling, her students are not. Maybe, this experiment is a test to train them on their observation skills which shows why they are not smiling.

(I WILL REDO) I enjoy Science. It is a really meaning subject that requires all five senses to participate in science experiments. It's appeal to me is further brightened by my absolutely amazing science teacher who muses my classmates with fascinating theories. I enjoy working with my hands. It is better then sitting motionlessly in class while listening to teachers' lectures. After all my hands always start to itch if i don't use them! I feel that it is better to do things as we get to experience how it feels like and may apply them in further when applicable. It is just like conducting a science experiment without any demonstration but only relying notes. Imagine how helpless i will be!

Oral 3

This is a picture of a sandcastle building competition. The venue is probably at the beach since sand is an essential material in sandcastle building. It must have been a fine and cooling day, since there are many visitors at the background occupied in their own activities. At the center of the picture, A group of children accompanied by 2 adults are building a sandcastle. They have already built an impressive rounded base for the sandcastle. The children looks very determined in the competition and I can even see a boy carving out a deep hole around the base which probably could be a moat. They should be a family except for the woman at the right, who is probably the timekeeper or the guide as she is teaching the family to place their hands firmly on the base to make it firm and stable. Furthermore, there is a lanyard hung around her neck, holding a card that likely states her identity. Looking at the strong team spirit and the coordination, it would not be a surprise that they might win the competition.
The other team at the background, on the other hand,looks disorganised as some of them are standing and there is no sign of cooperation or teamwork at all.
The intense competition is unnoticed by the visitors who were having a whale of a time, occupied in their own activities such as sunbathing, picnicking, burying themselves in sand.

I have once participated in Inter-class sports on basketball. I was really adamant on winning the competition. In fact, all my team members shared the same sentiments. Although we played aggressively, nevertheless we lost by a close shave. However, through this competition, our class fostered an invaluable bond. It did not mattered whether we won or lost, but the journey that counted, the intangible friendship, the team spirit.
Yes, i feel that students are overly preoccupied when i come to indoor activities. It leads to a sedentary lifestyle, which in my opinion is not a healthy lifestyle. Outdoor activities on the other hand will be a refreshing respite from their hectic academic schedule.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Oral 1

This is a picture of some senior citizens in a nursing home. The senior citizens are gathered together in a circle to play a game of ball. The nurse can be seen hitting the ball towards the elderly while they would catch the ball and return it back to her. This game trains their eye to hand coordination and brightens up their lives through physical activities, rather than settling down to watch television. However despite to excellent services the senior citizens are receiving, they don not seem to be enjoying their game of ball. Perhaps, it must have been part of their daily routine whereby the nurses will play with them, and of course they will grow bored of it. In my opinion, the nurses could have been more flexible by introducing new games such as throwing frisbee or maybe playing some music to to make it more entertaining!
As i can see, the senior citizens are being well taken care of because the room is well-lit and also ventilated. They are able to indulge themselves by watching the television, enjoying an air-conditioned room and receiving meticulous care from the nurses. Furthermore, a wide range of facilities, such as the pulleys, two parallel bars and a ramp with a few steps is provided for them to maintain their motor skills. The pulleys systems are used to strengthen their arms muscles, while the two parallel bars are for elderly to use as supports while training their legs muscles, which is especially essential since most of the senior citizens' legs are not physically strong since they rely on wheelchairs. The ramp with the few steps, are used to train them on overcoming obstacles, like climbing a flight of steps, which will prove useful, e.g. climbing up and down the stairs.
Excercis is imperative for preventing falls and to enhance their quality of life. I think that the reasons why these elderly stayed here is because they have no relatives or simply because their families are too busy to take care of them. I feel that this nursing home is an ideal place for senior citizens to live in, which ensures them to live their life to the fullest.

I have a grandmother who live in a HDB flat. I have known her since i was 5 years old as my mother constantly brought me to her house to pay a visit. What is so amazing about her is her ability to whip up a delicious meal in less than ten minutes and tell me really entertaining stories. I have learnt from her through her moral stories that life is a gift and that I should treasure myself rather than being a pessimistic peson. If i were to do something for her, I would try to visit her more often and probably teach her how to use modern technology to communicate, for example windows messenger or email. In this way, not only can she communicate with us went we are no around, she can also communicate with her friends!
Healthcare service charge is conditional. If the elderly does not have a kin, healthcare charges should be born by state. If if the elderly have a kin, then the kin should pay a subsided fee.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Week 28

Manley’s Best friend

I called him again. “Alright coming!” Manley exclaimed, struggling to put on with his shirt as he approached his buddy. Stretching my legs lethargically, I jumped off my bed.

Jason and I had known each other for years. I could never recall when i had first met him, nor even how we became friends. In fact we had such a brotherly feeling that we even lived together!

After emerging from the house, the rainstorm about an hour earlier had stopped and now the sun was beating down, creating a bright and scintillating world. The old stale smells had been washed away to leave a cleanliness that stimulated me.
As usual, we headed to MacRitchie Reservoir for long walks and had always enjoyed them. This frequent walk was a Sunday tradition for us ever since year 2000. We called it “ the friendship day” ever since Manley’s mother had passed away and became an inevitable habit for both of us.

After twenty minutes of jogging, we finally reached the outskirts of the park. By then I was already panting. Dismayed, I veered at Manley, who did not evince signs of fatigue at all.

“Let’s take a break!” announced Manley reluctantly, sitting down beside me.

I stared at my surroundings. Gardens that surrounded the MacRitchie reservoir looked as if a local artist had tried to draw they attention with bold brush strokes of vivid pink and yellow. The flowers themselves seemed to reflect the brightness of the sunshine that day – a once in a blue moon perfect day for a walk. With the gift of an acute sense of smell, I nudged Manley excitedly as an ice-cart passed by. Much to our consternation we had not brought money along.

Resuming dejectedly with our walk, we started to meander through trees and observe exotic animals. The ground was carpeted in wild flowers, their slightly pungent perfume lingering around us as we walked through them. Above our heads, the trees were showing off their lush green clothes that rustled at the gentle touch of the breeze as it drifted through the forest like a benevolent wraith. Wherever I looked, the birds, resplendent in their breeding plumage, were filling the air with melodies.

Suddenly our peaceful minds were interrupted by a sudden crack.

We stopped dead on our tracks. I panicked, millions of weird thoughts whirled through my mind. It reminded me of rumors that vampires where seen hiding behind trees and when the victims approaches...


My thoughts were interrupted.


Nothing happened


I cautiously took a few steps forward

………CCCCRASH !!!!!!!!

I whirled around to see a large and twisted branch of the Rain tree pinning Fred beneath it. Manley's eyes were closed and he lay motionless with his legs firmly under the massive hostile looking bough.

Fortunately, I could see the gentle movement of his body rising and falling as he breathed. In desperation, I tugged with gusto at the branch, trying to free Manley, but it did not even move an inch. In a minute, I felt both my strength and my courage beginning to fade. Frantically, I tried to revive him, without success.

I created a great commotion by shouting about madly and running around and begging for help, not caring at the undergrowth snatching at my legs and coat.
Soon I could discern several figure appearing before my sight.
“O! It’s Manley! Your faithful dog saved you!” a man exclaimed before he and his companions lifted up the branch.
Manley opened his eyes and loving patted me.
Giving a joyful bark, I finally knew what it meant to be man’s best friend.

(604 words)


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