Friday, June 26, 2009

Week 28

Manley’s Best friend

I called him again. “Alright coming!” Manley exclaimed, struggling to put on with his shirt as he approached his buddy. Stretching my legs lethargically, I jumped off my bed.

Jason and I had known each other for years. I could never recall when i had first met him, nor even how we became friends. In fact we had such a brotherly feeling that we even lived together!

After emerging from the house, the rainstorm about an hour earlier had stopped and now the sun was beating down, creating a bright and scintillating world. The old stale smells had been washed away to leave a cleanliness that stimulated me.
As usual, we headed to MacRitchie Reservoir for long walks and had always enjoyed them. This frequent walk was a Sunday tradition for us ever since year 2000. We called it “ the friendship day” ever since Manley’s mother had passed away and became an inevitable habit for both of us.

After twenty minutes of jogging, we finally reached the outskirts of the park. By then I was already panting. Dismayed, I veered at Manley, who did not evince signs of fatigue at all.

“Let’s take a break!” announced Manley reluctantly, sitting down beside me.

I stared at my surroundings. Gardens that surrounded the MacRitchie reservoir looked as if a local artist had tried to draw they attention with bold brush strokes of vivid pink and yellow. The flowers themselves seemed to reflect the brightness of the sunshine that day – a once in a blue moon perfect day for a walk. With the gift of an acute sense of smell, I nudged Manley excitedly as an ice-cart passed by. Much to our consternation we had not brought money along.

Resuming dejectedly with our walk, we started to meander through trees and observe exotic animals. The ground was carpeted in wild flowers, their slightly pungent perfume lingering around us as we walked through them. Above our heads, the trees were showing off their lush green clothes that rustled at the gentle touch of the breeze as it drifted through the forest like a benevolent wraith. Wherever I looked, the birds, resplendent in their breeding plumage, were filling the air with melodies.

Suddenly our peaceful minds were interrupted by a sudden crack.

We stopped dead on our tracks. I panicked, millions of weird thoughts whirled through my mind. It reminded me of rumors that vampires where seen hiding behind trees and when the victims approaches...


My thoughts were interrupted.


Nothing happened


I cautiously took a few steps forward

………CCCCRASH !!!!!!!!

I whirled around to see a large and twisted branch of the Rain tree pinning Fred beneath it. Manley's eyes were closed and he lay motionless with his legs firmly under the massive hostile looking bough.

Fortunately, I could see the gentle movement of his body rising and falling as he breathed. In desperation, I tugged with gusto at the branch, trying to free Manley, but it did not even move an inch. In a minute, I felt both my strength and my courage beginning to fade. Frantically, I tried to revive him, without success.

I created a great commotion by shouting about madly and running around and begging for help, not caring at the undergrowth snatching at my legs and coat.
Soon I could discern several figure appearing before my sight.
“O! It’s Manley! Your faithful dog saved you!” a man exclaimed before he and his companions lifted up the branch.
Manley opened his eyes and loving patted me.
Giving a joyful bark, I finally knew what it meant to be man’s best friend.

(604 words)

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