Friday, June 19, 2009

Week 23

“Ouch!” Charles cried out in agony, “Sorry! I didn’t mean to step on your feet.” Exclaimed Harry anxiously. Having a neurotic personality, Harry tried to excuse himself but Charles blocked his way. He shoved Harry hard on his shoulder and taunted “ do you think just an apology will help you get away? Coward! ” It was apparent that Charles was looking for a fight. After being trusted at for the fifth time, Harry got his back up and answered back at Charles. As their argument became increasingly louder every second, I cowered at a corner, experiencing a gamut of emotions: shock, confusion, disgust and annoyance. Always on the qui vive, Mr. Sloane virtually appeared out off nowhere and approached them. Only then did I realise that the incipient fight would be neutralised.
(132 Words)

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