Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Week 25

Week 25
Being Bullied

(Adapted from bullied by JirQUEST)
“No………. please ……….. no. I don’t want to play anymore. Please. Let me go. Please ………. I don’t like it at all. Let me go. I will do anything that you want. Please…………… the boy was pleading by now. Literally begging. But his cries were in vain.
“Please………….. no. Why are you doing this to me??? I hate u all. You all are bad. Let me go!!!”

He made a puny attempt to struggle. That did not work. The teenagers only just strengthened their grip on his arms, dragging him along the ground while bellowing with laughter. He felt pain searing through his butt as the small rocks, tiny particles of stones and debris prickled him without mercy. Just like the group of teenagers dragging him. Just like their merciless and dreadful laughter. True fear erupted out of him.

He only remembered once when he got so shocked and petrified. It was when he was 8 years old. He had provoked a group of dogs when accidentally stepping on one of the dog’s tail. The 4 huge German shepherds barked ferociously as he scurried of, running for his life while they hounded madly after him. The chase finally ended when a few passer-bys came to aid him. Realising that they were outnumbered, the group of canines dispersed. By then, He was doddering like an old man, for weeks due to fear. That was the scariest encounter he ever had. Until this gang came along and picked on him because of his tiny frame. Because he could no fight back or resist.

Hot tears clouded his vision now. He could not wipe his tears away. The bullies were pulling his arms and dragging him along the concrete ground. His tears flowed freely like badly damaged floodgates beyond repair. Yet they continued, immensely indulged in their activity to notice his tears.

His incessant pleas were drowned by their laughter and taunts. They mocked at his plight as he continued crying. Like nursery rhymes they continued to chant and cheer. They were having fun, tremendous fun. But to him, it was not funny at all. No it wasn’t………

He had almost slipped into unconsciousness. All the pleading and crying had made him lethargic, too tired to even move an inch. He felt like a dead carcass, so lifeless...

Why? Why are they doing this to me? Please stop! I don’t want play anymore. I will no tell anyone. Please let me go.

He thought vaguely. He could still recall countless times of his constant pleas for help and mercy. Almost every day they bulled him, paying no attention to his bawling to stop the attacks. Everything felt so unreal.

Excruciating pain seared through him. He grasped to awful truth that his head was throbbing with pain and must have been bleeding pretty badly.

The dragging stopped abruptly. Then he heard echoes and a whiff of odour became apparent. In an instant he knew where he was. A place he had always hated. His attackers had deposited him in a garbage dumb without much leniency, without even using their thick heads to think. He yearned for someone to release him from his agonizing ordeal.

I want my mama…

“Helpppp! Help meeeee! Pleaseeeeeeeee??!!!”

He hollered hoarsely. No response. Only the rueful chirping of the birds replied him.

He tried moving his arm but it refused to respond. He could not muster all his strength and courage to move it . He was horrified of the pain.

My arm……… is broken.

“Mama!!!!! Help me!!!! Save Me!!!! Helpppp !!!!!!!!!!!”

But no one helped him despite his anguish cries. No one. And he felt himself slipping deeper and deeper into unconsciousness as he slipped slowly but surely into deep abyss. He had lost all his hope.

Wayer was never saved.

(632 words)

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